Rehabilitation Therapist

Alice Hellberg

Jag är Alice Hellberg

Jag är rehabiliteringsterapeut.

Min utbildning:

- Moscow University of Physical Culture and Sports;
- Wolfson Institute of Physiotherapy and Zoneology, Israel.
Shiatusu Therapist

Min inriktning: Behandling av muskuloskeletal smärta, myofascinalt smärtsyndrom.

Mina behandlingsmetoder beror inte bara på styrkan i den terapeutiska effekten, utan också på säkerheten! Mitt förhållningssätt till behandling bygger på skonsam manuell terapi.
Vanligtvis, när man undersöker patienter, är asymmetrin hos många muskler tydligt synlig. I min terapi använder jag även speciella helande salvor från Schweiz.

Völkommen att boka en skön och avslappnande Nackmassage,med smärt- och spännings lindrande effekt, eller ta en kombination av nacke och rygg.

Även koppningsmassage och Shiatsu

Alice Shiats

I am Alice Hellberg. I am a rehabilitation therapist.

My Education: Moscow University of Physical Culture and Sports; Wolfson Institute of Physiotherapy and Reflexology, Israel.

My Specialization: Treatment of musculoskeletal pain, myofascinal pain syndrome.

My treatment methods depend not only on the strength of the therapeutic effect, but also on safety! My approach to treatment is based on gentle manual therapy. Usually, when examining patients, the asymmetry of many muscles is clearly visible. In my therapy I use special healing ointments from Switzerland.

För kontakt eller vidare information:

Tel. 073-942 11 68

Alice talar engelska och lite svenska. Det är inget hinder för behandlingen ifall du själv inte talar engelska.

Neck Treatment

1. Gentle compression of the head cup.

2. Use of craniotomy - Cabral therapy techniques /biorhythm treatment

3. Gentle compression of the head cup /transferse sacrum/ Reflexo therapy acupressure

4. Exercises for the neck.

5. Yoga

Spine Treatment

1. Use methods of rehabilitation of the musculoskeletal system: Mobilizing chiropractic with repeated movements with tension.
2. Warming: stroking, rubbing.
3. Deep Tissue
4. Myofascinal release

5. Use the concept of the Maitland technique.

Muscle Treatment

1. Combination of manual methods.

2. Trigger point search

3. Muscle relaxation

4. Myofascial release

5. Pressotherapy trigger point

6. Deep tissue massage

7. General trigger point check

8. Manual thermotherapy

Shiatsu a Japanese massage. This method is based on pressure with thumbs, palms on certain points of the meridian of the body!
I use basic shiatsu techniques: kambiki, namikoshi and stretching!

Kembiki - light swings with the whole body in different arenas: in the legs, on the back. This is a great way to relax the whole body, allowing the body to sink into the floor.

Namikoshi method is pressure, which uses body weight to allow the body to respond by moving its weight along the meridians and laterally along the spine. Using fingers, palms, knees or elbows!

The third way - stretching - is a manual impact. Stretching balances the energy meridians and brings the body into balance!